If Kei has decided it was a good idea, I have included the code to the
example program (at the bottom of this file) in the `Goodies' drawer on
Disk Nº 2.
Phew mista! It's been ages since I did one of this Blitz Tips things.
Um... are we on #4 or #5 ? Pah, let's say #5.
Okay, this Blitz Tips installment will be about polishing off your
When finishing a program (which is quite rare in my case), you often
wonder what else to add to make it run just that bit more smoother.
I'll be giving such tips here ....
It's very suprising the number of people that don't include "proper"
error trapping code within their program (You should see AMOS programs,
NONE of them have got good error trapping, they don't give you any info.
They just quit/crash. AMOS? SHIT, THAT'S WHAT!) ....
The very first thing you'll need is adequate error trapping. Try to
give the user as much info as possible on why the program shat itself
(not TOO MUCH, as you might bog the code down - see later on how to get
good error info to the user, which is also good for debugging purposes).
So, at the start of the code (just after the WBStartUp command), insert
a simple error handler like so ...
;---- Install simple error handler ....
DisplayBeep_ 0
EasyRequest "Uh Oh!","A FATAL ERROR HAS OCCURRED!","Quit Now!"
End SetErr
The code in-between SetErr and End SetErr will be ran if a bad error
occurrs (window not opening, can't find file(s), etc).
This is no good if you want to find the exact problem, so you use a
string$ to contain a description of the current section of the program
being executed. More on this later.
If your program requires a minimum OS version, then this command is used
(see manual for return values). Place this just after the SetErr...End
SetErr code. For example, if you're using GadTools, the user will need
OS v2.00 (if OS v2.04 is needed, then I'm shagged, as I think I've been
requesting a minimum of OS 2.0), so you use this piece of code :
;---- See if user has got minimum OS, if not, then ....
If ExecVersion<36
DisplayBeep_ 0
EasyRequest "Soz mate!","You need AT LEAST OS v2.00 !","Damn!"
Pop If : End
Window Checking
For the users which have got the Blitz Support Suite (BSS), the Window
command can be used as a function, so you can check to see if it opened
okay. Look at thou code ...
;---- Try and open main window ....
If Window(0,0,11,640,11,$1100E,"A Titlebar Window!",1,2)=0
DisplayBeep_ 0
EasyRequest "Error!","Error opening main window!","Quit nar!"
Pop If : End
If for some reason the window failed to open, then you'll be told. If
you're coding a utility and you are implementing loads of error checking
features and things, then look at dis ....
;---- Define vars/etc ...
WIN_X.w = 150
WIN_Y.w = 50
WIN_ERROR$ = "I couldn't seem to open my window at the"+Chr$(10)
WIN_ERROR$ + "default co-ordinates. Shall I try opening"+Chr$(10)
WIN_ERROR$ + "it at the top-left of the screen ?"
FindScreen 0
If Window(0,WIN_X,WIN_Y,1300,1000,$1100E,"SuckMaster V0.1",1,2)=0
DisplayBeep_ 0
If EasyRequest("Window Error!",WIN_ERROR$,"Yup!|Nah!")=1
Pop If : Pop If : WIN_X=0 : WIN_Y=0
Pop If : Pop If
Rest of code
This will try and open the GUI at stupid co-ordinates (so the window
will flag an error straight away), you'll get a message if you want to
try and open the window at the top-left of the screen. If so, it'll try
again, else it'll quit.
There will be full (but quite useless) example code of the things
mentioned in this text in the following subject .....
Of course the best error traping method, is to use a command as a
function and see what it returns. True (-1) for success, False (0) for
failure. But, due to a STUPID bug in the Blitz 2 compiler v1.90,
Statements and Functions would make the program crash when the debugger
was enabled, so I had to find a way around it (with the help of
overusing Gosub's), as SetErr...End SetErr was obviously not enough help
for debugging. So I found a way around it.
There's 2 ways you can do this. You can put the error messages into an
array (harder to update though) or you can basically do it "on the fly"
(not sure the fly would like it very much). I prefer the "litteral" way
(I think that's what it might be called, dunno really. I'll call it
that instead of continually typing "on the fly" all the time).
First of all, you need a string$ variable to keep the error text. Let's
use ErrorTxt$ in this example.
Right, every time you come to a dodgy command/routine that has a chance
of causing an error, you insert put a string defining the possible error
into ErrorTxt$. So if an error occurrs, the text in ErrorTxt$ will be
Aha, how do I display the ErrorTxt$ string when an error occurrs? Easy,
use SetErr...End SetErr like so ....
;---- Define our sexy error handler ....
DisplayBeep_ 0
EasyRequest "FATAL ERROR!",ErrorTxt$,"Quick NOW!"
End SetErr
There, that was easy! Now, here's that example program using all the
stuff mentioned in this file (including the error traping above, plus
other stuff). Comments are also included (also colour-coded to my version
of Blitz 2) ....
; Reboot V1.5 by BootBlock/TerraForm.
; CREATED : 26/07/1997 - Saturday.
; FINISHED: 26/07/1997 - Saturday.
; MODIFIED: 26/07/1997 - Saturday.
; Example program to demonstrate the things talked about in
; this Blitz Tips. This is also an enhanced version that was
; featured in The Word #10 or #11 (whatever).
; This program is a bit small to include very detailed
; ErrorTxt$ messages. Sorry.
; OS V2.04 is required for this to work!
;---- Let's us start from Workbench via an icon ....
;---- Our infamous modified error handler ....
DisplayBeep_ 0
EasyRequest "FATAL ERROR!",ErrorTxt$,"QUIT NOW!"
End SetErr
;---- We need at least6 OS v2.04 to run (I think) ....
If ExecVersion<36
DisplayBeep_ 0
EasyRequest "Soz mate!","You need at least OS v2.04!","Bah!"
Pop If : End
;---------------------------- Original by D!ck ....
SHARED scfont.w
pref$ = "ENV:Sys/font.prefs" : fail=0
If Exists(pref$)=518
If rf=-1
ReadMem 0,filepos,518 : CloseFile 0
If rt=0 Then fail=0
FreeVec_ filepos.l
If FindTask_(Chr$(171)+" IPrefs "+Chr$(187))=0 Then fail=-1
If fail=-1 Then scfont$="topaz.font" : scfont=8
End Statement
;###########################################################VARS / ETC
WinTitle$ = "Reboot v1.05"
ScrTitle$ = Chr$(134)+"Reboot V1.05 by BootBlock/TerraForm, 25/7/97."
WIN_X.w = 512
WIN_Y.w = 11
WIN_ERROR$ = "Error opening main window. Shall I try opening"+Chr$(10)
WIN_ERROR$ + "the window at the top-left of the screen ?"
NewPrefs$ = "I have just received a message from the system"+Chr$(10)
NewPrefs$ + "telling me that the preferences has just been"+Chr$(10)
NewPrefs$ + "modified. Shall I close down for about 5 secs"+Chr$(10)
NewPrefs$ + "and re-open again to reflect the changes ?"
ErrorTxt$ = "Error loading fonts!"
;###########################################################MAIN GUI/LOOP
;--- This program isn't fully font-sensitive, so we'll
; have to force the program to use an 8-point font.
; Obviously, the Personal font looks far better
; than the Topaz font, so let's load them in this
; order. The Topaz font is always available, but
; the Personal font may not be. If it's not, then
; we'll have the Topaz font to fall back on. Neat, eh?
LoadFont 0,"topaz.font",8
LoadFont 0,"personal.font",8
ErrorTxt$="Error executing _READFONTPREFS{} !"
ErrorTxt$="Error setting up main window!"
FindScreen 0
If Window(0,WIN_X,(WIN_Y-8+scfont),128,30,$1100E,"Setting Up!",1,2)=0
DisplayBeep_ 0
If EasyRequest("Window Error!",WIN_ERROR$,"Yup!|Nah!")=1
Pop If : Pop If : WIN_X=0 : WIN_Y=11
Pop If : Pop If
GTButton 0,50,6,2,108,13,"_REBOOT",$0010
AttachGTList 0,0
GTBevelBox 0,4,11,120,(17-8+scfont),$0000
SetWindowTitles_ Peek.l(Addr Window(0)),&WinTitle$,&ScrTitle$
ErrorTxt$ = "Error during _MAINLOOP !"
;--- If GadgetHit detected, then reboot (as there's only
; one gadget in the window, it must have been that
; that caused the event) ....
If EventType.l=$40 Then ColdReboot_
;--- This checks to see if we have been sent a message
; from Mr Exec telling us that the system preferences
; have been modified. If so, then inform the user ...
If EventType.l=$4000
If EasyRequest("The Exec talked to me!",NewPrefs$,"Okay!|Nope!")=1
CloseWindow 0 : Free GTList 0
Pop If : Pop If : Pop Repeat
Until EventType.l=$200 ;If CloseGadget hit, then ...
ErrorTxt$ = "Closing down error!"
CloseWindow 0 : Free GTList 0 ;... free window/GTList and
End ;then finally end the program.
By the way, I typed this program into this article first, and then
decided to include it in plain ASCII form to be loaded into Blitz 2.
Just select "Load ..." (or Left AMIGA+L) and the file is located on disk
2 in the `Goodies' drawer (if Kei has included it). Maybe something
simliar to this :
If you've any questions or code to share with us, then either send it to
the address in the Contributions article, or to me:
115 Corporation Road
N.E. Lincs
DN31 1UR
If you send it/them to me, and you would like a personal reply, then
please try and include an SSAE (Stamped Self Addressed Envelope).